Posts Tagged ‘patience’

All good things come to those who waits

April 22, 2010

Do you know it’s often said that Thomas Edison the greatest inventor has failed more than 10000 times in his pursuit to find the carbon filament light bulbs. And, he said that he not failed 10000 times, but he found 10000 ways that didn’t work in the direction which he wanted. Wow, what a patience. The amount of patience which he demonstrated is tremendous. He truly believed that one who waits long enough wins the race. Here, the word ‘wait’ may sound passive but we need to take that in positive way. That’s discovering what to do and then doing it to check weather it works or not and if not, finding another way to do and continuously correcting mistakes. Importantly not repeating the mistakes which have been occurred earlier to ensure that the new found way of doing the things leads to the desired results. And, god bestows wisdom to those who stays longer in pursuit of their dreams. As if they force god to give them the hunches or flashes of inspiration to achieve the results they want. Most of us quit doing something important because of our inability to stay longer with the task in hand which might be the result of lack of clear vision and determination.

In the above message, the scientist was driven by his vision and guts feeling fuelled with enormous amount of determination which helped him to disregard his temporary failures and motivated him to continue until the siren of success comes alive.

Patience is a quality which is rare especially in today’s ghastly psyched up world. We want quick fixes in everything. Quick-rich-schemes, fast-foods, fast returns on investments, fast cars, etc, etc. but, the adage truth will stay shining and as a guiding force to the humanity by telling again and again that “All good things come to those who waits”